With the season upon us, what better way to treat your wedding party than with a fine cigar! Tying the knot can get quite expensive, so we wanted to showcase a few great cigars that will not break your nuptial budget.
The first cigar is the Vegafina Especiales. This Dominican cigar is composed of Columbian, Dominican, & Honduran fillers encompassed with an Indonesian binder and wrapped in a Ecuadorian Connecticut Shade wrapper. These are a mild, yet very flavourful figurado that can be appreciated by both the novice and more experienced cigar smokers alike. They cost only $12.95 per cigar or $244.76 per ceramic jar of 21.
The second cigar is the Santa Damiana Special Edition Robusto. These cigars use an exclusive blend of the best tobaccos from the Valle del Cibao in the Dominican Republic wrapped in a silky and leathery to touch Cameroon leaf. This medium bodied Robusto unveils a toasty and woody aroma and provides a balanced smoking experience with rich flavour notes of cedar, nuts, coffee & pepper. Normally costing $18.95 per cigar or $180.48 per box, these very special smokes are on sale for only $13.50 a cigar or $121.00 per box of 10.
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